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Fourteen faculty members received curriculum development grants for AY08-09.  Their MRAs are provided below.  The course names and a brief description of the MRAs are in the right-hand column.

ECON 20 Lephardt MRA1 Fall 08

ECON 20 Lephardt MRA2 Fall 08

ECON 20 Lephardt MRA3 Fall 08

ECON 20 Lephardt MRA4 Fall 08

ECON 196 Yakusheva MRA Spring 09

EDUC 8 Eckman Scanlan MRA1 Fall 08

EDUC 8 Eckman Scanlan MRA2 Fall 08

EDUC 148 Chubbuck LaBelle MRA1 Fall 08

EDUC 148 Chubbuck LaBelle MRA2 Fall 08

ENGL 104 Nowacek MRA Fall 08

ENGL 131 Krueger MRA Fall 08

HIST 184 Meissner MRA Fall 08

MANA 123 Adya MRA Fall 08

ORLE 135 Coan MRA Fall 08

PHTH 512 Sobush MRA1 Fall 08

PHTH 512 Sobush MRA2 Fall 08

PHTH 512 Sobush MRA3 Fall 08

PHTH 512 Sobush MRA4 Fall 08

PHTH 512 Sobush MRA5 Fall 08

PHTH 575 Aubert MRA Fall 08

SPAN 171 Meyler MRA1 Fall 08

SPAN 171 Meyler MRA2 Fall 08

SPAN 171 Meyler MRA3 Fall 08

SPAN 171 Meyler MRA4 Fall 08

THEO 110 Schmitt MRA Spring 09

Global English Lit

Oil and Water

Health care costs

Harvest the Rain

Race and Incarceration

Affordable Housing

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ECON 20/1001 - Intro to Econ; Demand & raising prices
Graph supply & demand of taxi service
Implications of tax increases
Economic gains from free trade
ECON 196/4953 - Health Economics; Econometric analysis, regression modeling
EDUC 8/1210 - Intro to Schooling in a Diverse Society; Educational opportunity
Multi-cultural education, group presentation
EDUC 148/3240 - Critical Inquiry into Contemporary Issues; Funding disparities
Critical Issue presentation
ENGL 104/3210 - Advanced Composition; MPS & Universal Free Breakfast Program
ENGL 131/4470 - Victorian Lit; Thesis with historical and statistical evidence
HIST 184/4555 - Modern China; Impact of population growth
MANA 123 / INTE 3053 - Project Mgt; Compare Scottish social/econ issue w/US
ORLE 135/2150 - The Culturally Diverse Organization; Neighborhood comparisons
PHTH 512/7512 - Culture & Disability; Aging and Quality of Life
Obesity & discrimination
Infant mortality & poverty
Smoking & gender
Organ transplants - impact of race & socio-econ status
PHTH 575/7675 - Pediatric Disorders and Intervention Strategies; Premature birth
SPAN 171/4400 - US Latino/a Literature; Population & census
THEO 110/2300 - Quests for God, Paths of Revelation; Religious traditions
Remaining assignments are from the Pathways books.

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Who Counts?: Math Across the Curriculum for Global Learning